That being said, I've gone soft. This is my third winter in Virginia, where the average temperature hovers around 35-40 degrees. Now... when the temperature dips lower than that, I (like a lot of the natives I've met here) believe the end is near, and it's absolutely freezing outside.
This doesn't translate well for morning running. I was freaking out because I was scheduled to run 8 miles this weekend, and the temperature wasn't going to get much higher than freezing. I mean freaking out. I thought about it all day on Friday, and when I woke up on Saturday I was dreading the next couple of hours.
But... I had a cache of new weapons: my Christmas presents. This year cold compression running gear was under the tree. I bundled up. A lot. Two cold compression shirts, running tights, a fleece vest, headband, neck warmer and gloves. So I didn't look like a supermodel...
...but I stayed warm and had a GREAT run. I mean great. I did a little over seven and a half miles, and didn't walk once. It's definitely the longest continuous run I've done in... well... I don't really know how long, and I felt fantastic.
I guess it just proves that cold weather won't always win, and this really is getting easier week by week. I'm starting to get excited about what I will be able to do in a matter of months!
This week's training schedule is posted below, and this week's Marathon Monday piece on NBC29 can be found here! Have a great week... and I promise to stop embarrassing my fellow Illinoisians and deal with the cold like a real Midwesterner.
Week Five Training Schedule:
Sunday- Off (or non-weight bearing exercise)
Monday- Off (or non-weight bearing exercise)
Tuesday- Run 5 miles
Wednesday- Run 6 miles
Thursday- Run 4 miles
Friday- Off (or non-weight bearing exercise)
Saturday- Run 10 miles
Keep it up, Libby! You're an inspiration to many.