I always start off January 1st with a list of goals in my mind, and a lot of motivation to go with it.
"This year I want to learn the robot."
"This year I want to become a Civil War buff."
Etc., etc., etc.
That motivation lasts about 2 weeks, and then I'm back to my "dancing like a human" ways, with more questions than answers about the Battle of Bull Run.
But the beginning of a new year has always (ALWAYS) included: "This year I want make exercise a big part of my life."... and the ever popular, "This year I want lose x number of pounds."
Things are already looking a little different for 2012, because I can change the language of my resolution mantra. It now includes the words "continue" and "will", and it's all thanks to running.
So... the weight loss and exercise themes are still the same. BUT... I can now go into the new year saying, "I WILL CONTINUE to make exercise a big part of my life," and "I WILL lose x number of pounds" because of it. It's a pretty exciting position to be in.
I just got back from five awesome days in Illinois! It was a whirlwind trip, and I didn't stay in the same town two nights in a row... but I did get to see a lot of family and friends. On the down side, I only got to run once. Due to unforeseen roadblocks (including a huge plumbing problem in our house there), my "run" days turned into "running around" days.
It happens, I guess. Life is bound to show up from time to time and crash the training program party. It's just a matter of getting right back on track, which I am doing! My training schedule for this week is below. You can also find the latest Marathon Monday segment, "Food is Fuel" here. I hope the holidays treated everyone well!
Week Three Training Schedule - designed by Trainer Dan Bayliss.
Sunday- Off (or non-weight bearing exercise)
Monday- Run 5 miles
Tuesday- Off (or non-weight bearing exercise)
Wednesday- Run 4 miles
Thursday- Run 4 miles
Friday- Off (or non-weight bearing exercise)
Saturday- Run 6 miles
LOVE. You're awesome. I basically want to be you.